
Burn Law Dates:
Time u can burn: 6pm - 6am





Recent calls
08-02-08 St. 83 responded to Paddle Creek
Rd. for a power line down, 83 personnal stood by for AEP to arrive on scene, AEP needed no assistance, 83 command terminated.
08-20-08 St. 83 responded
to Kings Daughters outreach center, to a vehicle that was leaking liquids, on Eng 3 arrival there was a vehicle that had hit
a rock in the road and punctured the gas tank, eng 3 personnal cleaned the fluids up, 83 commman terminated.
08-25-08 St.83 responded to Twin Fork Rd.
For a patient who was laying in the driveway, On Eng 3 arrival there was a patient laying in driveway who had been ran over
by a bobcat, The patient had possible femur fracture, Eng 3 personnal assist the med-unit with patient and Easy 1 took
LZ command, patient was loading in air medicial, 83 command terminated.
08-25-08 St. 83 responded to Cantrell lane,
for a brush fire, on Eng 9 arrival the brush fire was a controlled burn, 83 command talked to the residents, 83 commmand terminated.
08-27-08 St .83 responded to Johnson's Fork
Rd. ON Eng 3 arrival there was a power pole on the ground with lines across the road, Eng 3 personnel cleared the roadway,
83 command terminated.

